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Mevirtofund Foundation prefers placing children with relatives and only accepts children into their orphanage as a last resort. Most of the orphans do not have parents due to plagues, the tsunami, HIV, or abandonment caused by financial hardship. When these desperate children have nowhere else to go,mevirtofund becomes their legal guardian and they become part of the family in the orphanage!
The safe homes are run as a family and never as an institution because an informal environment where children can can feel comfortable and be themselves is crucial to their integration into society. An informal and transparent environment allows all members to speak about their problems, which creates an atmosphere that is conducive to growth and learning.
The cost of bringing a child into an orphanage is USD $37.00 per month. This amount is calculated by taking the total cost for food, toiletries, housing, clothing, utilities, housemother wages and dividing it by the number of orphans housed at each center; therefore, the money that is donated for an orphan sponsorship does not go directly to an individual child, instead, the money goes towards the costs of running that child's orphanage. Larger expenses such as medical fees are not included in the monthly cost for orphan sponsorship.
Mevirtofund Foundation has recently introduced medical sponsorship, where you may sponsor a child for ongoing medical care in addition to orphan and sponsorship. 

Frequently Asked Questions >>

Question : Can we visit the child?

Answer    : Yes! It brings such joy. Please do come visit.

Question : Do we get a photo and how often are they updated?

Answer    : Yes you do get a photo. We try to update them monthly when the children send their letters that teach them to write and also to take photos of each other. Both helpful skills, in addition to learning about a world so different from their own , it feels like a dream, your world. This is a wonderful education for both of you and photos help.

Question : Do we get the exam results or a report on how they are doing at school?

Answer    : Yes we will send for any sponsors interested and are thankful for this interest as will be the children.
Please be sure to express your pride that they are in school at all because remember many of these children are far behind when they start and even teased so they easily think they are not smart when it simply is not true.
Please find their specialness rather than their feeling shamed for being so far behind other children who are not as poor.

Question  : Can we keep in contact with them after they finish schooling, providing both parties agree?

Answer    : Absolutely!

Question : Are the children encouraged to write?
If the child were to have two sponsors, would both be able to write the child?
How is correspondence to and from the child done?
Please be sure to correspond with the children through or the center's postal address and not directly.
We request this in order to protect our sponsors from relatives or others getting their emails and trying to get money in this manner.
Additionally, we want to ensure that no email sent to our children is hurtful or strange for their culture.
We once had a sexually latent email sent unchecked and have learned to use the as a mailbox.
We also had sponsor emails given out to scam artists and have learned to carefully protect them, again by using the mailbox.

Answer   : Yes! We encourage our children to communicate with their sponsors because it's part of our mission to educate people about the poor but also to give the children a voice because so many of them have been conditioned to stay as 'invisible' as possible.
Corresponding with the children can be done via email or postal service. A center director or volunteer helps the children write their letters in English.

Question : How did you come to the amount of USD $37.00 a child a month?

Answer    : We added up the monthy costs of our Orphanages and Safe Homes, and divided each homes costs, spread over twelve months, then divided by the number of our children living in the Home.

Question : What does the USD $37.00 pay for?

Answer    : Your money for your child pays for the child's food, clothes, house help, simple medical, utilities and water, once a month simple activity or outing, grooming supplies such as soap for cleaning clothes and body etc.
The reason the cost is so low for so much is because we have only a few locally paid local staff working for very little, at local wages not "Charity Wages", and coordinating all the community volunteers plus volunteers from around the world who stay with and teach and love our children.
We also do not have rental costs as the homes were donated by the founder with a few of her relatives and friends pitching in when prices had not yet risen, so we are able to go on forever at very little cost, because of the incredible dedication of the poor of the communities who volunteer for free.
They are tired of how mistreated too many children "abandoned" or too poor or "unwanted" are, and feel as you and we do : that we must all do a little something with no staff getting paid big salaries and new cars and such, as long as so many many of the world's children are this hungry and not cared for.
The math is simple. The priorities simpler, clearer still.

Question   : If a person sponsors a child for the Orphan program, would that same child be available to someone else for the TEP sponsorship, as well? Or, vice versa...if the child is sponsored through the TEP sponsorship, would that child also be available to someone else for the Orphan program?

Answer     : Yes, if an orphan receives a TEP sponsorship then that child would still be available to someone else for the orphan program and vice versa.

 Copyright (c)2012 Mevirtofund Foundation